Scientific Name
Oryza sativa
25-30 deg. C
1680 mm
Terai to 3050 m
Sowing Time
15th of Jestha onwards(Transplanting) for lowland and upland. Chaite dhan are sown in Chaitra 15 and Boro rice i.e winter rice is sown during winter months.
Seed Rate
1 kg per 10 sq.m for raising seedling or 50kg/ha
Fertilizer Application
Terai=> 100:40:30 kg
Hills=> 75:30:20 kg NPK per ha resp.
Split doses of N first half during basal and rest half twice; during tillering and Panicle initiation stage
Hills=> 75:30:20 kg NPK per ha resp.
Split doses of N first half during basal and rest half twice; during tillering and Panicle initiation stage
Weeds: Echinocloa, Cyperus, Monochoria
Within 30 days of transplanting for SDV.
Weed Management
Broad Leaf and Narrow leaf weeds can be controlled by Butachlor 35 EC @2.5 l in 20 kg sand or butachlor 5% per ha: 15 kg within 3 days of transplantation.
Keep 5cm of water for upto 10 DAT and dry the land for 2-4 days further and keep land submerged again till Flowering for Lowland and for upland irrigation at critical stages.
Earthing up and Hoeing
30-45 DAT
Harvesting Index
Panicle drooping and Yellowing in the field (not in green varieties). Grains are solid and shatter upon shaking
Cut with sickle or harvest by combined harvester.
Post Harvest Activities
Trampling by bullocks thereafter. Dry in sun for few days till moisture falls down to 13%.
Packed in jute sacks and stored in cool store room for marketing.
Leaf roller(during sunshine in Chaite Rice), Bugs(Grain Filling stage)
Democrin 1ml/L of water @20litre per ropani
Democrin 1ml/L of water @20litre per ropani
Rice Blast (Esp. in seedling nursery of Mansuli)
Bavistin @2g per Litre of warer and spray 15 l of solution
Bavistin @2g per Litre of warer and spray 15 l of solution
Hardinath-1(Terai,Inner Terai), Radha-14(Terai, Inner Terai), Sukkha Dhan-4,5,6(Terai, Unirrigated Inner Terai and Mid Hills) , Swarna sub-1(Terai, Inner Terai and Mid Hills)Tarahara -1(Mid and Eastern Terai), Hardinath-2(Terai and inner Terai), Ghaiya -1(Unirrigated upland Terai and Mid Hills), Mithila(Terai), Ram ( Mid Terai, Makwanpur, Chitwan and Nawalparasi’s Siwalik Region), Pokhreli Jetho Budho(600-900m asl Pokhara and surrounding regions), Chandannath -1,3 (Jumla and 2300m asl), Rampur Mansuli(Central and Western Development region Terai part, Inner Terai and 900m asl; Irrigated/semi irrigated)
Recommended Area