Scientific Name
Saccharum officinarum
about 6.5
32° to 38°c. It slows down below 25°
at least 1,500 millimeters of rain each year
High humidity (80-85%) favours rapid cane elongation during grand growth period. A moderate value of 45-65% coupled with limited water supply is favourable during the ripening phase.
Nepal ranks 41st in sugarcane production (2.93 million tons
Sowing Time
i) Early : Dec - Jan ii) Mid : Feb - March iii) Late: April - May, also during June-July
Seed Rate
STP or single eyed set method 750-1MT seed per acre is required.
flat bed method: Shallow furrows( 8-10 cm deep) are opened with a local plough or cultivator at a distance of 75 – 90 cm, rige and furrow method: The furrows are made in ‘v’ shape about 80-100 cm. Pit to pit spacing- 1.5x1.5 m
Fertilizer Application
Apply FYM at 12.5 t/ha or compost 25 t/ha.
250:125:125 NPK kg/ha
250:125:125 NPK kg/ha
Cynodon dactylon, Sorghum halepense, Panicum spp., Dactylocterium aegyptium, Chenapodium album, Convolvulus arvensis L., Amaranthus viridis
3-4 hoeing are required after every irrigation during tillering phase of crop to check crop-weed competition.
Weed Management
Mulch the ridges uniformly with cane trash to a thickness of 10 cm within a week after planting. Pre-emergence application of simazine or atrazine at 1.5-2.0 kg/ha or metribuzine at 1.0 kg/ha or diuron at 2.5-3.0 kg/ha or ametryn at 2.0 kg/ha each followed by 2, 4-D at 0.75-1.0 kg/ha as post-effective for broad-spectrum weed control in sugarcane.
Sugarcane requires a lot of water to grow as most C4 plants usually do. But during ripening period high rainfall is not desirable because it leads to poor juice quality, encourages vegetative growth, formation of water shoots and increase in the tissue moisture.
Earthing up and Hoeing
The partial earthing-up is done at 45 days after planting. Full earthing-up is done after 120 days after planting coinciding with the peak tiller population stage. At 150 days after planting, earthing up may be done with spade.
Harvesting Index
approximately 7 to 9 months to mature, or be ready for consumption, Cane harvesting is conducted when the sugar concentration reaches its highest rates
A cane harvester is used to cut down the full stalks, and cut them into smaller sections (around 30 cm).
Nepal ranks 41st in sugarcane production (2.93 million tons)
Early Shoot Borer, Internode Borer, Top Borer, Scale Insect, termites, ants, whitefly
Red rot, Wilt, Grassy shoot, Smut, Leaf scald disease, Red striped disease, Mosaic disease, Rust, Sugarcane yellow leaf disease
Jitpur-4 (Terai and Inner Terai)
Jitpur-3 (Terai and Inner Terai)
Jiptur-2 (Eastern, Mid & Western Terai)
Jitpur-1 (Eastern, Mid & Western Terai)
Recommended Area